Kieback&Peter switches off the lights!

The leading expert in building automation is part of it. On 27.03.2021 at 8:30pm sharp people, cities and companies around the world switch off the lights for 60 minutes. A vote for more climate protection by lightswitch. Earth Hour.
For more climate protection
Together with WWF Germany Kieback&Peter is also sending a strong signal for more protection of our climate and future of our planet. The lights of the company headquarters in Berlin-Neukölln, the production plant in Mittenwalde (Brandenburg) and further branch offices across the country are going to be switched off for 60 minutes.
For more than 90 years, the Berlin family-owned company has been dedicated to efficiency, safety and comfort in buildings. Thereby the issues of climate protection and climate neutrality are omnipresent. Buildings are responsible for a substantial part of total energy demand and CO² emissions, causing around 35 percent of final energy consumption and about 30 percent of CO² emissions.
With digitalized solutions tailored to requirements Kieback&Peter increases energy efficiency in buildings, reduces CO² emissions and creates added value for people and environment.