Start of Berlin Industrial Campaign

Today Michael Müller, Governing Mayor of Berlin, launched the campaign "#Berlinproduziert – Digital inspiriert" with a press conference in the federal state's government seat (Rotes Rathaus). As a long-established Berlin-based company, we are also participating in the campaign to promote Germany's capital as an industrial location. The campaign is sponsored by more than twenty local companies, including well-known brands such as BMW, Bombardier, Cisco, Siemens and General Electric.

Christoph Ritzkat, Chairman of the Board, presented Kieback&Peter's campaign visual "Dr. Haus" at the press conference: "We have equipped Berlin's Reichstag with our building intelligence as well as many other large and famous buildings of this world". Even though we are one of the leading experts in building automation with 1400 employees and more than 50 locations worldwide, only a few people in Berlin know Kieback&Peter. "We are a hidden champion," says Ritzkat. "The Berlin campaign should make us a little better known."
Using soft- and hardware, Kieback&Peter connects heating, ventilation, air conditioning and other building technology into an optimal overall system – and has done so since 1927: "With the changes in time and technology, we have reinvented ourselves repeatedly," Ritzkat sums up: "In a way, we are Berlin's oldest startup", he jokes and adds: "Although age and size don't quite fit, we have kept the spirit and the passion".
With our smart technologies, we ensure that buildings around the world become better and more sustainable places. Our products stand for premium quality and an excellent user experience. Production, research & development, product management, marketing and other central corporate divisions are based in the greater Berlin area where they provide around 400 secure jobs in a green future industry.
An article was published today in the daily newspaper WELT to coincide with the launch of the campaign. Christoph Ritzkat is also interviewed there. Read the German online version of the article here.